Tuesday, June 15, 2010

To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe....

Welcome to Buzzing 'round with Bee
You thought my text's where lengthy....wait till you keep up with these posts!

A dear friend asked me to keep a blog and I laughed it off, but in fact it is a good idea!I must say I do feel a little Doogie Howser MD ish... but alas here it is! My first post on what I hope to be a continual blog of my upcoming adventure!

Thanks to those who believe in me and are sending all the positive vibes out to the Universe in search of me chasing this dream. Will be in touch! Lots of Love Bee xx

The road less travelled?

First lesson in traveling solo…managing and navigating a wheelie bag (no not wheelie bin although it is green!) into the toilet. After a few maneuver’s I had it down pat and could wheel and pee in a pretty short time!

The flight out of Adelaide started well. I got the JetStar Manager so when she saw my bags, and had a look of ‘right, (angry boss tone) coming your way lady’…. and I pre-empted by explaining how I had called JetStar and was traveling to the US she let me on no problems. It was a bittersweet moment. Yay for the bags, Boo for saying bye bye to Mum and Dad! Even at 30 it gets tough!!

Sadly didn’t get to spend too much time with my brother in Sydney as the queue was over an hour long. I batted my eyelids and was super friendly to the United Man who from the line looked like he was having a really bad day. He lightened up and apologised for not being able to give me a good seat from Sydney – San Francisco, but was able to do so for San Francisco to New York. So I had my fingers crossed, said my goodbyes to my Brother and then made my way through the massive duty free path and the long walk to the terminal!

Okay, now I admit that I am an airplane snob…and although I landed safely which is the most important part of flying...United where still a bit old school. Movies on a big screen and squishy seats. Alas I sat in my row with three others and had a nightmare of a passenger next to me! Her name was Ida…yes I found out as she continued to poke, prod and ask me dumb questions….I should have realized there was a problem when she was the last to arrive. Fortunately the man to my right had a similar pee schedule to me…not too much and just enough, so when he got up he’d then go for a walk which worked well for me. Ida on my left was not only driving me mad, but the person to her left.
Not only was she slightly overweight she had ants in her pants. So she squeezed in after being late and proceeded to give me a jab to the side. I knew I wasn’t going to win the arm on seat battle... (yeah you know the one, like at the movies when you jockey for position to have your arm on the shared arm rest… see knew you were smiling and agreeing to that one) and for the record I didn’t give in, just wasn’t prepared (at that time) to do battle for 14hrs!
So she jockey’s in, elbows me a bit and in her (no offense intended) but pip squeak Pilipino voice constantly had a “ ‘scuse me...miss, scuse me miss… can I have water please”.

Oh thank you… no wait, I’ll have the bloody Mary like he is having” (pointing to the man to her left). The United hostess says to her… “Uh ahh...that has over 3000mg of Sodium! A Cola has less! In your condition I wouldn’t suggest it”. Ida replies… “Can I have tequila?” Go figure and United flight attendant gives it to her shaking her head!

So part way through the flight after seeing that they put movies on the screen in front and slightly to the side, I put my iPod on and Ida saddles over to the right so she can see between the cracks…and ends up basically sitting in my lap. She looks down, sees my iPod and taps me on the shoulder… “ ‘scuse me..What is that?” I take off my ear phones (bright green for the record...and clearly visible under my blonde holiday cropped short hair) and politely say…”it’s an iPod”. “Ahh” she says “like an iPhone”...pronounced eyepown. I politely say “yes, similar to an iPhone and I copy movies to it to watch.’ And proceed to put my bright green headphones back on my ears. Tap tap tap on the shoulder ‘but how did you get that on it’. I don’t take off my earphones this time and I said “technology is amazing” and then ignored the rest of the tap taps.

A few hours later comes the introduction and the tap tap on the shoulder (despite the fact I can feel her big arm pressing on mine which is nowhere near the arm rest but on my thigh) and says “it’s Bianca (pronounced beunka) right? I noticed that when you were filling in your forms. My name is Ida and I am diabetic. Can I use your tray table to put this on while I get my pills?” to which she has already pulled my tray table down and put her copious amounts of water, ginger ale can’s and other knick knacks and moves her big butt right on to the man on her right who shifts pretty quickly! All in all it only took her 10 minutes to barrage through her bags get out her monstrous pills and then looks to leave all her stuff on my tray table. Naturally I smiled graciously and said her you go, put her table down and put her stuff back!

The rest of the flight wasn’t too bad… I used my home made (not by me, but by the lovely SMD) eye mask and pretended to sleep as much as possible to avoid Ida. Throughout the flight I occasionally did a drastic move pretending to be asleep just to remind her that she was awfully close!!

Landed in San Francisco at 10am on Friday. (Gained a day) and that process was a lot smoother than I expected. Head through customs, (wasn’t quizzed too much although had my return confirmed) and then grab a trolley, pick up bags, roll 200 meters to two big silver machines with men standing next. They get out their little scanner, scan the bags, confirm the destination “JFK Ma’am...start spreading the news?” and off I head with other passengers not really knowing where to go next. After a misguided ascent up the stairs, I come back down the stairs to the domestic terminal and happen to see some other passengers from my plane…figured I’d discreetly follow as they seemed to know what was going on. Get to another scan session where I have to take off my shoes, belt and take out lappy, and then up some other stairs to the domestic. Find a TV, see the screen and off to wait for the next part of the flight!

The domestic flight was better and a bit roomier than the previous flight. In the bulk heads behind business and pretty sorted. Was surprised to see that although it was a connecting from Oz, I had to pay for food, but soft drinks and water free. I was pretty full from the dodgy pasta and meat roll and eggs and tomato so wasn’t too fussed.

The two people next to me where really nice, the guy went up to his bags and then his wife taps me on the shoulder...(I did have a moment of here we go again….) I take off my green ear phones and the guy says “Miss…do you like cookies?” Now I know that mum always told me not to take things from strangers, particularly men offering lollies or biscuits but this looked safe enough. He then offered me a few packets of wafer biscuits and said he had heaps. Yay, meal on this flight sorted!!

Arriving in JFK airport was reminiscent of the silver shed of Adelaide Airport years ago minus the tarmac walk! Grab a trolley (US$5 welcome to USA) and patiently wait for my bright orange bag and small black bag. Orange bag...bingo… waiting waiting… passengers leaving, less bags on carousel…. Heart races… beads of sweat on the forehead…. C’mon… C’mon…. where are you…. Then four young Aussies have no bags! They ask me if I was on the Sydney flight to which I say yes. They had 5 hr stop in LA vs. my 3 hr stop in San Fran…aggh the bags arrived at the same time. I ask a lady if any more bags expected… I didn’t get much more than a shrug of her shoulders. I walked around and went to head to another lady, when I hear a page for a series of passengers… the LA Aussies, and then my name… your bag is in the office. It arrived early! Fewwwww! SIGH OF RELIEF and there was the little black Samsonite with yellow Singapore airline ribbon that I wanted to kiss! I.D issued, and bag delivered.

I walk out with ALL MY BAGS, and see a tall man with a sign and my name on it… and so begins the start of my US adventure….

See guys, the blogs are epic…. More to come I’ll let you digest this first!
Lots of Love Bee

Home away from home!

I arrived in the early hours of Saturday morning after a huge delay with traffic from JFK to New Jersey. I had arranged a pickup which cost more than my one way flight to Sydney…and funnily enough took longer with the traffic but pretty glad I did. A taxi would have no doubt charged per minute where Mumbai (I asked his name on three occasions not where he came from unless his name was Mumbai from Mumbai?) had me already locked in. He was getting more and more angry at the time and that we were going 15m/h instead of the recommended 70m/h. Although Mumbai was nice, courteous etc, I was hoping for a bit more of a guided drive to my new home… you know being able to answer what I thought would be simple questions like “What’s the best way to get from Jersey to Manhattan daily? Sorry ma’am don’t know... Ok no worries. So any places you recommend in Jersey or Manhattan I really should see... No ma'am. Needless to say, conversation then kept to a minimal!

We did venture through Manhattan, and I asked where we were… naturally his answer… Manhattan. Hmpf! Well I could see that. The skyline passing behind me was amazing, and the only time in the entire journey Mumbai zoomed was when we were leaving the tunnel so photo ended up being a big blur.

My new home is the Westminster Hotel www.westminsterhotel.net in the suburb of Livingston New Jersey. It’s about 21 miles from Manhattan and about 40 minutes away via bus/train… Thanks to a friend of mine the Westminster came good with an excellent rate that worked out much much cheaper than Manhattan/Chelsea/Brooklyn Heights etc for the two months, and I’ve got a few perks too. Brekky Inc Mon-Fri which is pretty good! It also includes free Wi-Fi, daily housekeeping, and use of pool, gym and shuttle bus within 5 mile radius! Having a quick look online at the bus and subway, seems like a lot to outlay for the month, but it works out to be about $9 a day which on top of the rate still comes in pretty darn cheap! Will just have to suss it out a few times to get a routine. The shuttle can pick me up and drop me off to the bus station from early until 11pm so will just have to get the timings right and then make sure I am back.

For the first time in a VERY long time I have suffered quite intense jet lag. Call it what you will but this trip took a fair bit out of me. Nerves, still fighting the bug I had in the last two weeks from work, over tired (leading up to the trip wasn’t in bed before 2am!) needless to say after checking in at 2am I picked my bed (yes I had two choices) and crashed. I set my alarm for 10am to try and go for a walk and clear my head and flight but kept snoozing and snoozing. Woke up Sunday morning still in a bit of a daze but managed to get out to the local mall. Livingston Mall.

On the scale of mall’s it was probably the size of an Arndale and has a Macy’s, Barnes & Noble, Macy's and Sears. It has a variety of specialty stores like American Eagle Outfitters, Gap, Old Navy, Victoria's Secret, and some other local type stores. Was nice to get out and just people watch.

I picked up my US sim Card from a little Kiosk and was pleasantly surprised with the fee. $50 start up fee, and $29.99 (plus taxes etc so $40.93) per month which gives me 500 minutes and on weekends and night time free minutes. I don’t have to renew the contract, just stop paying and will be disconnected. The bonus is that I can then use this to call a calling card at night for free. I was going to do pre-paid but too many obligations! Is it that easy at home? Didn’t think so??

I had my first lot of junk food (Subway…potentially not junk food but I had to get a meatball!! Lol) and I was surprised how on par things are cost wise. Just over $8 for a foot long and drink (which was a bucket even though it was regular) and cookie. The cookie neatly tucked in my bag to have with a cup of tea later that night!!

Some young teens were on stage doing what I think some would call singing….bellowing was how I looked at it….Lady Gaga covers at a shrill not great for jet lag…. But having said that it was nice just to watch the world go buy for a few hours, despite still feeling so tired!

Fortunately the hotel offers that shuttle for 5 miles, so I was all ready to make my first call on my ‘Cell’ (why can’t American’s call it a mobile…Cell sounds like an apparatus poking out my side!) and there rolls the bus anyway. Some other members of the hotel were shopping at the same time. 3 guys from Japan who had just arrived and staying in Jersey on business for three days. I asked what business and then ‘Samurai Sam’ in the background jibbers in Japanese and ‘Sideburned Steve’ in the front say's politely, “Ah you know, just international business. What are you here for” on the tip of my tongue is a smart a$$ comment but instead I politely tell him holiday and job venture.

After a few minutes Sideburned Steve asks if I mind if we go to a supermarket on the way for 10 minutes? Excellent idea I say and so begins what feels like a race on Supermarket Sweep. Boy could these men shop fast!! (I was looking for Burgo to pop around the corner and say I was out!!) Got my essentials -Yay they had Earl Grey!! and still Samurai Sam, Sideburned Steve, and ‘Manga Mike’ (looked like he should have been on a Cartoon) are racing me down the aisles! I didn’t even get an opportunity to indulge in a bit of American Grocery Shopping culture… although what a buzz. A 6 pack of 500ml Diet Coke bottles was only $3.99 and a 6 pack of A&W Root Beer cans $2.99. No wonder the culture of soft drinks are so strong. Would have been interested to compare to bottled water!!

I get excited when I get into the bus to see I am first (not that I was reeeally racing (",) and then they are loitering in the liquor store! I didn’t even see that there! Will have a looksee next visit!

Yesterday was the first day of feeling like I had a slightly better sleep, although not normally a light sleeper, it appears the louder you slam your doors in this hotel the better the feeling. Sorry Room 208 on the second floor…. You got beaten by 113 on the first floor! I’m sure in a week or two things will feel normal.
The free Brekky is really quite good value. Continental with two hot selections. Yesterdays were eggs and wedges with a great mix of muffins, cereal, fruit, coffee, tea and juice. Even better made by the fact that it is FREE! Still not game to ask what the yoghurt looking thing is. It tastes like yoghurt mixed with butter/sugar (Sime, Kirstie, Richie and Andrew…almost like that yellow thing we had at Singapore Budget Terminal on the Rye!!) and although I normally love my yoghurt and corn flakes this is like eating sugar! Oh well….

After Brekky I had the delightful pleasure of waiting for my tradesmen to come and have a look at my TV. The long and short of it was 4hrs later, my non US engineering department fixed it and all sorted! At least it felt like being at home waiting for tradesmen to get a second and third opinion and then come back!

Having spent the day in doors, another outside adventure was needed. Sadly nothing is within walking distance but a short shuttle ride (15mins away) to Short Hills was the Mall of Short Hills. Now this was like an elaborate Burnside crossed with say glitzy malls in Sydney/Melbourne and had all the big's, Jimmy Choo, Bvlgari, (tried on a gazillion things and then said thanks and walked out...although the woman encouraged my behavior...but did ask me to come back soon!!!) Chanel, Coach, Louis Vuitton, Saks, Macy, Abercrombie & Fitch and lots more!

Had a big chuckle when walking into Abercrombie & Fitch as blonde haired ‘Bambi’ or ‘Candi’ in her teeny tiny shorts says, ‘Hey, What’s going on? How are you? Welcome to Abercrombie & Fitch, Sing out if I can help’ without even taking a breath! And people thought I talked fast. Which did she want me to answer first? Naturally when I say another A&F store upstairs, I couldn’t help but walk in and see what greeting I got… Yup you guessed it ‘Britney’ ‘Tiffney’ says, “Hey, What’s going on? Welcome to Abercrombie & Fitch, Sing out if I can help’ but omits the how are you…clearly Britney / Tiffany in her teeny tiny dress is too busy folding the teeny tiny shorts to ask how I am!!

Short Hills mall was uber chic and uber expensive! I bought my first Starbucks Coffee and people watched for a while which was nice! Even saw my first Posh Spice heels… a gargantuan woman I think…ordering Coffee….! Welcome to the States!!

Next update will be after I have taken my first commute to Manhattan!
Lots of Love Bee

The #77

Yesterday was the first trek into Manhattan...WOW. Trust me to pick the hottest day of the year so far! Nevertheless it was a great day. Perhaps it was excitement, but I managed to wake up way before my alarm. The shuttle was booked for 8.30am to take me to South Livingston Ave & Route 10 where I could buy my Ethos water from Starbucks (apparently 5c from my purchase goes to humanitarian groups for water for children?) and wait for the Community Bus. It wasn’t quite a bus like I expected but a very comfy coach! You pay the driver and on you get and weave through traffic like you are driving a Vespa… I wasn’t frightened; I was amazed that the driver navigated the freeways so easily.

I arrived at the Port Authority Bus Terminal (PABT) within around 50 minutes but felt much faster than that for sure! Watching the Manhattan skyline in the (hazy) distance was just amazing. My smile was from ear to ear.

Coming out of the PABT was like walking into Thebarton Theater when a punk band are playing…full of hot yet humid damp air with an odour you can’t quite place! It wasn’t unpleasant per se…just wow. Maybe a comparison of the KFC slap??

Naturally my first few steps were to the bright lights of Times Square and I got stopped by a Non American (There seem to be a lot of them… do they ALL have permission to work in the USA??) and being offered an ‘awesome saving’ of catching a hop on and hop off bus. There seemed to be three company reps in the same circle. Yellow Shirt, Gray Line and Hi Vis Vest wearing seller. Since Yellow shirt man stopped me, I thought I’d listen. Why not? The face I listened had him already busily punching in keys into his little scanner doovy offering me three days for the price of 1... and look look, you can go here, and there, and you get off, and then get on, and the buses come every you know 10 – 15 (pipteen!!) or so and wait, what did you ask me? Oh yeah, you have to use the freebies today too.
Thanks but no thanks!

They had chairs and tables lined up in TS so I aptly took the opportunity to sit, have a drink and take it all in. There is uproar at the moment in TS with the Naked Cowboy and a competitor...The Naked Cowgirl. A fifty something (apparently) lady in bikini and stars over her boobs which she flashed on TV! It’s been on the news here… and because she charges $2 per photo of her jiggly her ‘assets’ there seems to be a lot of media and attention. I didn’t get to see either on this visit, but who knows maybe next one??
For the article copy the link below (can't link it for some reason)


I did see what looked like a Senator type fellow being interviewed by various TV stations while he chatted to a piano playing woman. The black suited men with the plastic hanging out their ears outnumbered all the casual people within 50 meters by a long shot! If I had my Aussie Flag draped around my back as a cape I would have made you all proud (“,)

Next was a walk around Toys R Us. For those not familiar, it is the first toy store with a Ferris wheel inside. $9 gets you and your children into a cart of various characters (ET looked cute, as did the M&M crew) for what seemed about a 6 minute spin?
They had an array of stuff from babies, kids, teens, young adults, games, and movies, outdoor and sport stuff. I was surprised at the costs as they seemed all pretty reasonable.

After that I called a contact that has been just terrific. He works for Singapore Airlines and has been super accommodating from days back when I was looking at Sublets! He came to my aide with a phone to be able to put my Aussie Sim in. All I needed to do was purchase a new battery and then would be a part of the BERRY club as well as the iPhone clowns! With my set of instructions on how to get to the AT&T store, a handshake off it was to venture to the store.

The heat started to impact now, and as I later discovered, I happened to pick the hottest day of the year so fast to venture into Manhattan. 91F! 32C but surprisingly different to 32C back home. Entering the AT&T store was like another episode of the Abercrombie & Fitch store. I have no idea what even came out of the guy’s mouth other than iPhone4 sold out, blah blah blah. As I stood there blinking helplessly at him and finally saw his lips stopped moving I took that as my cue to speak. Battery please for… and before I could even list my phone he was yabba dabbing do about batteries, costs, and did I have the unit with me or know the model. “Ah, it’s a blackberry but…” and before I could finish again and say not sure of which model he yabba dabba’s again. I get the phone, pause and smile and ask how many Starbucks he had today? First time in the few minutes we met he looked stunned? ‘Scuse me dear...no it’s not nearby! Oooh my belly ached with the chuckle I was holding in. I picked up the battery and got an enormous bag with it to which I declined? My yabba dabba do man was again stunned! I think I offended him. Needless to say, I walked out with a new battery and for $50 I have access to my Aussie Sim. So I am now effectively back on track. Feel free to send me a sms from now if you feel inclined.

As I had got a cab from Times Square to Tony’s building I didn’t really know how far I had walked… I kept on Park Ave walking along and stumbled across the Waldorf Astoria. Ahhh, beauty at its best. I walked in and as I had my camera still in hand was asked if I was a guest. When I responded no I wasn’t, the Porter asked me to put my camera away as they had a VIP guest in the building and would I mind. Certainly not…. I hovered for a bit but no sighting… wonder who it was?

As I was a walking I was amazed to see a giant Hello Kitty statue in the middle of a very astute looking business building? What an unusual choice of art?

Took a left turn which put me back on 42nd Street which I knew was the right direction to head back to Broadway/Times Square and along the way I found myself in awe at all the construction going on. I daresay the construction business is growing!! Be it fixing existing buildings or making new ones… it actually made it hard to see what shops/places where what at some stages. Nevertheless, I did see some sparkling gold doors after 17 blocks which lead me to the Grand Central Market which leads you into the Terminal. It was lovely little alley of delicious food and smells and sights. I wanted to take a picture but just got caught up looking at all the yummy food and before I knew it I had walked to the end. Will definitely have to go back for a photo opportunity! Imagine the bottom level of DJ’s in Melbourne or what used to be in DJ’s at the mall. Was surprised at the choices and all looked sooooo yummy!

This lead me right into Grand Central Terminal. Now you have all seen it…but here is my little version below.
The first thing that came into my head though … “Spotted at Grand Central, bags in hand: Serena van der Woodsen … And who am I? That's another secret I'll never tell. You know you love me. Xo xo Gossip Girl” GG fans out there will know what I mean there hahaha. I walked through the centre and had such a giggle!

Managed to find Bryant Park after that, which is just beautiful. A big park near the library with lots of free seats, a piano player, and people just milling about. Can see myself sitting here a fair bit! Was also nice to rest my legs and have a break too!

All in all this was already 4 ½ hours so thought I’d call it a day and head back to the PABT via Broadway and Times Square. Got into the PABT and do you think I could find somewhere to purchase the tickets. I tried a machine and that beeped at me, and walked round and round in circles. Found somewhere to ask a lady, so back downstairs (again) but this time went all the way around and there were the booths. Found the one I was after and the guy says that they don’t do monthly trips only books of 10… works out a saving of 68c a ticket! Lol. Oh well a book of 10 it is! As far as timings, getting in is super easy, getting out isn’t so. The last Bus is at 11.15pm which is great but I just need to check where the bus stops, as the last shuttle service ends at 11pm from the hotel. So my last bus to safely be collected will be 915pm at the PABT which will get me into NJ an hour later.

It does mean I may have to tweak the things I do and most of it will be now during the day but that’s still okay. As my brother said, it’s not like I’d be wanting to catch public transport at home at all hours of the morning…you’d cab it…and here that just isn’t practical.

So after purchasing my book. It’s back up the stairs to find the gate 306. I see a sign that points to Gates 200-250 something, and 300-320 something. I follow, and then get lead to a stair case back downstairs? WTF…so head downstairs and low and behold back to where I was…ho hum. Up the stairs again, follow the same path and ask a technician fixing a lift. Oooh yeah, next building, head down the hall, past the lift, into the next building and you should see some signs. I head this way and arrgghhh! A big loop back to square one. No idea how I did, but a few more turns and I found it! By then I was hanging out for the hour long return just to sit!

Sat next to a lovely man on the way back who noticed my accent when talking to the bus driver so chatted with him for a while. It was a great chat, He basically said, that if in fact nothing comes out of this adventure, he admires (or rather in his twang… ed-my-res) the fact that I have put myself out here in such a vulnerable position. It was nice to hear that from a complete stranger. Not that all your support goes unnoticed but sometimes it’s refreshing to hear something positive from someone you don’t know.

The only struggle was knowing when to get off the #77. I asked the driver how close he would go near the hotel and he said either the Circle, the Mall or South and 10. I knew that the South and 10 was where I got dropped off, so for safety I got off there, called the hotel and waited for the shuttle. The shuttle driver seemed to think I could have got closer. Spent 25 minutes on hold trying to find out, so will wait to see what they respond via email.

Came back so tired, the best thing I could see was a quick swim, followed by a soak in the bath, an indulgent room service meal and finally crashing into bed!

Today will be the first day of research! Let’s keep all crossed!
Until next Manhattan sojourn
Lots of Love Bee

I don’t ask for directions…I give them!

Entrance near intersection of W 42nd St and 8th Ave
Take the S shuttle train from 42 Street-Times Square station heading to Grand Central
Get off at 42 Street-Grand Central
Take the 4 Train from 42 Street - Grand Central station heading Downtown/to Crown Heights
Pass 14 Street - Union Square
Get off at Brooklyn Bridge - City Hall
Exit near intersection of Park Row and Center St
Arrive at Brooklyn Bridge - City Hall, Manhattan

Sounded simple enough….so with the above instructions printed in 9pt Arial font and folded in a nice small discreet square in my pocket…I was on my way. The usual drop happened and I was the only one at the bus stop. Slowly a few more people arrived and I had such a chuckle….at one stage there was myself and 4 others…and for one reason or another they all started tapping on their iPhone’s or Blackberries… I felt like I needed to take off my shoe and call Agent 99!

Slowly I see a look of panic on the girl next to me as she fiercely checks her watch every minute. Sorry love, it hasn’t leapt back or forward in time. Yes the bus is late…and yes we have now hit 25minutes late. Good thing I plan this trips early to allow for such events! My thoughts floated….so am I now late for the 8.40am bus, or early for the 9.30 bus?

Given our tardiness a look around me says 13 people. Hmm wonder how many people we can hold and how many will go without today. The bus finally arrives and there are elbows out, shoulders front and a mad rush and panic to get in the line…not me…nope I show the American’s about orderly and un-panicked line up. (I was a line up monitor at school for a bit...still in the blood I guess, you never lose those skills!)

So onto the bus, assuming my normal window seat in the hope to work out when just to whip out my camera for a photo opportunity of the Manhattan Skyline. The bus was pretty full, and we continued along picking people up. I have tried really hard to understand the system of the #77 and what exactly express means. We seem to go to most stops… A disgruntled gentleman gets up groughly and sticks his briefcase in the overhead compartment. (Not quite like a plane…it has string and little spots to hold things in.) and he approaches the driver with vigor of an angry man. All I can hear are mumbled yet heated discussion. I hear “54”, “surely no more” “fit” and “standing” the man waves his arms enough for a few people to look up from their iPad's, iPod's, Berries, Newspapers etc. and then I hear… “well I’ll show you” now this becomes the gray area. The bus stops…not sure if it was at a bus stop or not... and the tall man gets out and points to what looks like I sign on the door. Well bus driver by now is obviously not amused so he does what any angry bus driver does….he closes the door and drives off. Not without a final thump, yelling from the man and what I can only assume was a shoe being thrown at the bus. At least the man’s briefcase made it to Manhattan!!

Once at the PABT I sneakily check my instructions and head to the way of the W 42nd St and 8th Ave for my first play using the subway system. Now anyone who knows me well knows I don’t do well with numbers or math’s… so looking at the subway map was like looking at an algebraic linear mathematical equation. I shook the thoughts of my dad telling me “math’s is not an opinion” dad what does that mean anyway??? And thought I can do this, I don’t need to ask the lady I have my instructions just buy the ticket and off you go!

Hmm okay so in the land of the USA you need touch screens and coupons and lot’s of NEXT, NEXT, NEXT, REVIEW, NEXT buttons as you could imagine. Lo and behold big fat ERROR message. Ho hum I approach the lady in the box with tail between my legs to ask what I have done wrong. The dialogue went something like this:

“Ohhh you’re not from here….”
“uhhh no” I politely respond.

“Well sugar, no wonder you don’t know”.

Hmmm well okay lady in the box are you going to quit smiling at me and tell me… no let’s hold this smiling staring completion a bit longer. She leans in close and so naturally I lean in thinking she is about to tell me the MTA’s best kept secret…

“Sugar…it's your zip!”

As you would expect I think oh god please don’t tell me my fly is undone….

“For your zip sugar, you need to press 5 x 9’s”
Oh Shit… can I use my fingers to work out 5 by 9??”
“So that’s 9, 9, (pause) 9, 9 (pause) 9” as she holds each of her plump black fingers up at me.

“Great, thanks so much for you help ma’am” as she proceeded to wink at me. Hmmm yes our little secret. Don’t worry I won’t tell anyone I need to press 5x9’s for my post code.

So after that little tĂŞte-Ă -tĂŞte I bounce on down to the oh wait crap after all that I have to take another sneaky look at my piece of paper. God knows how, but I managed to get on my trains and follow my instructions to a tea and almost a seasoned expert. Speaking of which, I must be doing something right, as I was asked directions no less than three times in that day. Twice on the street and once in the Subway.

So I head out to the beautiful Brooklyn Bridge. The day was as beautiful as the sights. A nice 29.C blue skies and just the perfect amount of breeze.

So with a stagger in my step, and a quick tap of my pocket in acknowledgement of the instructions I walked the beautiful walk that is the Brooklyn Bridge. Taking in the sights of Brooklyn while the magic of the Manhattan Skyline dipped behind me. They have a dedicated walking lane and a dedicated bike lane. The bikes zipped on past both directions, but the walk had a good mix of tourists, commuters, dog walkers, baby walkers, a mega hot nanny (despite his manicured eye brows and little wiggle of his bum) and I guess just the norm.

I took some panorama’s but sadly forgot to download the software onto this lappy so that will have to be added in the future.

I headed down the stairs towards DUMBO (American’s and their acronyms…Down Under Manhattan Bridge Overpass) and they have a great big map and signs. I am pleased to say that I did have a glance at the map, but I was the only person in a circle of about 11 WITHOUT my Frommers or Lonely Planet. Okay so they were in my bag, but I knew my way enough not to have to look, sneakily or not!

On the walk to the Piers and the views are two famous land marks which appear in all guide books, blogs and basically everywhere. One is Grimaldi’s Pizza. World Renowned (but they do not do slices only whole pizzas) and Brooklyn Ice Cream factory. As I was walking down, memories of my San Francisco visit popped into my head (Went to Fisherman’s Wharf in SF and there were NO SEALS!! A rarity!!) and I walked past Grimaldi’s and there was no line. Was it opened? Well one man went in so I guess it is. Hmpf so much for the long lines and renting of chairs I had read about. So onto the harbor and piers.

They are building a series of beautiful parks along the old piers. Playgrounds and common area that was just immaculate. New but still immaculate.

I feel like something or someone is looking over my shoulder so I face back and yup reminders everywhere…

So photos taken it’s now time for the Ice Cream place to open and me to sample this world famous taste. Hmmm decisions were hard but I narrowed it down to Chocolate Chocolate Chunk, Peaches and Cream or Butter Pecan. Okay well chocolate is chocolate so let’s try Peaches and Cream or Butter Pecan…hmm it’s warm outside, bit peckish...let’s go Butter Pecan...the nuts will keep me going.
Okay, not what this little lady expected. First bite…hmmm. No that can’t be. Let’s try a second. Hmmm really…ooh this is strange...crunch crunch…hmmm okay glad I got the small. Really...no it can’t be…hmm one last try. Wait all gone!
The only way to imagine this ice-cream was to imagine putting a pecan nut in your mouth and butter menthol and eat together! It was seriously like butter menthol minus the menthol. Weird. Next time I think I might just settle on the Vanilla with Chocolate Chunks or Chocolate Chocolate Chunks! Oh well, I’m all about trying something new!!

After milling around the piers, reading my book, writing in my journal and just mooching its back towards DUMBO.
What the….the looks like Grimaldi’s is the place to be….haha, they do have signs renting chairs for $3! Only in America!!

Check the sign board...minus book! I walked right into downtown Brooklyn, no idea where!! I did get lost I admit. Didn’t see any of the streets that I had in my head from the map and on getting back and looking on Google Maps I covered But oh well. Amazingly big synthetic turn park where kids playing soccer, baseball and mothers group chat while the kids run feral! I came across some funky little galleries and quirky shops and then headed back towards the Public Library. Inside no photographs but it was a real cozy (albeit strange smelling) library. I had a wonder, and then landed in the suburb of Brooklyn Heights…Bingo. I walked up and down the Fruit Streets Pineapple, Orange and Cranberry and it was magical! Little cafes under buildings, it was like seeing the streets of Sesame Street/the Cosby Show! All that walking didn’t even get me flustered when I realized I walked in one big giant circle the wrong way, and could have gone right down near the pier and ended up along the Promenade for more spectacular views! After more skyline gazing, it was a walk to find food. I could most certainly live there…the streets just gorgeous, tree lines and so cute! I found a wonderful little place called Tutt CafĂ©….Brooklyn’s answer to Jerusalem Restaurant back home and boy did I enjoy that! Iced Mint Lemon Tea, Felafels, Babaganoush, Tabbouleh Salad and Pita all for $9.50! Bargain!! And oooh so Ippsy Glippsy!
Next to me was the most gorgeous woman I think I have ever seen. She was model material big time! Maybe even was… she was black, had a shaved head, these big long eyelashes and was sitting with the world’s ugliest man! I have never seen a man so ugly with someone so beautiful. I was in awe!! Not sure where they were from…the accents could have been Portuguese or something but wow he sure was uuuggggllllyyyyy!

The journey back was super easy; I found a subway that would take me to 42nd Street no problems. While on the Subway I realized I’d be going past Wall street and WTC. Thought I had enough in me to take a peak so jumped off train and headed down wall street to look for the Bronze Bull and whatever else I might see. (hmmm hopefully some fine men in suits!) talk a wonder up and down the street … twice…no Bronze Bull. Oh well off to WTC. A lot of construction is under way the photo below shows the gap, and the one underneath the professional version of what’s behind the gap!
So from what I can see there isn’t a ground zero site any more per se…They have moved preview site to another location just a street away so will have a look-see at that next visit down that way.

Having a wee wonder around here starting to take its toll on my feet and hips (fancy that I haven’t done any excercise before this for so long everything started to hurt!) fortunately the feet have been pretty darn good though so I won’t complain.
I head to an info booth ahh there is the Bronze Bull. What the?? He is located in a park nearby! Bugger that! It’s home time!

Jumping down a subway near WTC I had to ask for directions this time. Great news the A train would take me all the way to the PABT…wouldn’t even need to change lines, just walk up the escalators to the Bus and home sweet home and rest my tootsies…no wait…they are in my bathroom!!

The bus home took a detour….ah so that is the express form the morning! Fortunately I was still close enough to a pick up point. Well I could walk to the hotel... it would be like walking from Hindley Street to the end of Rundle Mall….maybe even to Frome. But in the absence of footpaths here (no wonder so many Americans are tubby!) on the phone to my 8 child admirer Joe and around he comes to pick me up!
Another successful trip to NYC, and topped off with a nice spa the day after to aide my feet!

Next trip is on Wednesday where I meet a contact that I got from one of the parents of school. She has invited me to a networking/drinks thing being held at an Aussie Joint called the Sunburnt Calf. Have read about the chain in a few mag’s so looking forward to it. Should be great to have my first alcoholic beverage in over two weeks, and meet some people!

Until then
Lots of Love Bee

A network cable is unplugged

This week I was invited to attend a “Networking” evening hosted by a company which looks at connecting Australian’s globally. The event was held at an Aussie venue “The Sunburnt Calf” in the Upper West side. I had previously heard about their other jaunt the “Sunburnt Cow” so was quite looking forward to the evening of ‘networking’.

The event was from 6.30pm-8.30pm so being the typical anal person I am, I decided on the 4pm bus which would get me into Manhattan by just after 5pm. That way, I would have some time to head to Zabar’s one street over from the Sunburnt Calf. I had been told about this place by a reliable source, a friend who lived in the US during her college days. She explained that Zabar’s was an iconic UWS haunt (now I’m joining in with the acronyms! Upper West Side). This place is supposed to have an amazing deli, gourmet cheeses (yum!) and a dedicated Jewish deli where New York’s Jewish community regularly frequent. Zabar’s was going to be an ideal spot to people watch, take in the sights and sounds until the function and cool down! Given the heat, 101.F (38.C) I wanted to be as close to where I needed to be, after all, I had to frock up for this event.

So after being inside for most of the day, by the time Joe dropped me at the bus stop at 3.45pm for my 4pm bus I was melting on the sidewalk. Thank goodness for water proof mascara as by this stage water was dripping from every part of my body.

“Oh my it’s so hot today I can’t wear my jewellery” she says. I turn around and almost leap out of my skin. This woman standing next to me was wearing brown corduroy pants, a long shirt which I can only describe as a sack, with a vest over the top. A big floppy hat and thong’s topped off the outfit and she proceeded to take off her jewellery with 10 foot talons of nails. Okay, so over exaggerated…but I could only assume that when she got her nails done, the person forgot to cut them to size!
“Um, yeah……” awkward silence “yes you are right it is a tad warm isn’t it” says I, thinking oh my goodness how can you be wearing that?
“Ohhhh you are from the United Kingdom I hear. I love Ireland.”
“Actually no, I am from Australia, however where I am from most people think we are from the UK as we speak a little different to other states in Australia.”
“Oh no, I never get an accent wrong…you are definitely from the United Kingdom.”
Hmmm okay sack wearing corduroy pant lady…. If you say so. Please bus, why are you 15minutes late. It’s so hot standing at this bus stop!

Almost reading my thought’s corduroy lady says, oh these buses are never on time. They call it community, but where is their sense of community when they can’t be on time.
Okay so she had a point!

The bus arrived a few minutes later, so only 20 minutes late, and after standing in 38.C heat for almost 30 minutes I was just itching for the hour in the air conditioned coach. Hopefully I can reapply some of this melted make up!

The bus takes off in the usual direction and as we zoom along the freeways at a frantic pace I zone out to the conversation to the ladies behind me. Three big black African American ladies heading into NYC for dinner to celebrate Patty’s 70th Birthday. Now I wasn’t eavesdropping but let’s just say here in the states, American’s do not know what an ‘inside voice’ is… everything is a shout, scream or at least a conversation loud enough for everyone within ear shot to hear!
These ladies by the sounds of it traveled regularly over the years.
“Remember when we went to Florida” says one…..”Ohh yes says the other…that’s when we tried to get Maisee laid.”
Oh my! Did I just hear a 70 something year old woman refer to someone getting laid? No way.
“Rose, rose, do you remember that”, as Rose two seat’s down begins to shake like jelly on a plate with laughter! “Oh yes, Patty, how can I forget the FFF” as all three ladies begin to laugh with an infectious belly laugh that begins to make the other passengers including me smile.
“Oh my Rose…I haven’t heard of the FFF in what 40 years! How do you remember these things?”
“Patty girlfriend…..how else can I make my children and grand children blush…who would think that their mamma and grandmamma was part of a Florida F_ _ k Fest” as they all begin to laugh frantically again, and Maisee goes a nice shade of fuchsia!! And Rose sitting by herself pat’s her eyes with the corner of her hankie as she continues to shake with such a contagious laugh!
The gasp that came out of my mouth could not match the glare of the Asian lady sitting next to me gave…. Wow! The things I hear in NY!

As this is going on and I still have a smile from ear to ear hearing about well, yes the fact that these ladies had a lot of fun in their 30’s and more importantly that they are still friends and having fun. I look at my window and a rise of panic raises in my chest. Where the hell are we?! None of the surrounds look familiar as we are no longer on the freeway. Hmm it appears the buses in the afternoon take a different route…very different! We cover Essex, West Orange, normal Orange (??) and main streets of I don’t know how many suburbs. I look at my watch and it’s already after 5pm…no sight of anything familiar. Bugger, it means I may not get that photo opportunity of the Manhattan Skyline as I roll into NYC.

As we roll along, the FFF crew behind me start making some phone calls to their other friends meeting them at dinner…it was not reassuring to hear “no idea where this driver is taking us….he has gone a completely different route!” “No we may not be at restaurant in time as I have no idea how he is going to navigate the city”

Great….so this driver has taken us on a completely different route. This becomes extremely apparent when we see the following sign...meaning we are heading away from the Lincoln Tunnel....even though I am sure that is the way we should be going!

The sick feeling is swapped for panic as it is now 5.55pm (yes I have been on the bus for 1hr35min) for a 50minute journey normally. We got stuck on 31st and 10th avenue for what felt like an eternity. The driver tears in front of another 4 buses; we swing an almighty left turn and manage to get into what seems a back entrance of the PABT behind lines and lines of buses. We sat in the terminal inching 2miles every 5 minutes until we finally get in at 6.22pm. Hmmm so much for Zabar’s let alone for being on time!

I make a mad dash down to the subway in the hope that the train I need to get is downstairs rather than walking to Times Square and Broadway Station! Aha, it’s the same station essentially, just underground passage. So far so good. Looking in my purse for the directions of which train to get, I realize that I have written down two choices…Small panic sets in and the sweat from rushing is nothing compared to the sweat from the intense heat from the subway. I follow the signs to what I hope will be the right train. Worst case scenario, it is an express and doesn’t stop where I need to.
At the turn styles…beep please try again…the card reader says. Hmm, I bought a month pass for the subway…I try over and over again, and this hot hot hot guy next to me says in his beautiful coffee voice… ‘scuse me, you may need to clean it…let me try! Oh my I think as I look into his eyes…be my guest! It works, he smiles, I thank him...and for a moment I hesitate...do I follow sexy voice or head for the train!! Dang …. It is by invitation and they will know if I am not there….by sexy voice! Hope to run into you again one day!! (“,)
I jump on the train, and to my delight I am heading in the right direction! At least something has gone right!
I get off at 72nd Street and gravity has me turning right…I see 230…the Sunburnt Calf is 220…ahhhh sheer delight as I realize it is there, and it’s only 6.40pm. Could have been worse!!

The venue was great although the subway was cooler than what the place was! The function was upstairs and fortunately not many people so I knew I wasn’t too late.

The first group of people I met where lovely. A husband and wife who have been in NYC for 8 years and now officially on a green card. He used to work in HR for News Ltd, but since the changes of Rupert and Lachlan he is in between jobs. As his wife said, they were fortunate that green cards meant they could take their time, and as she was working as a US Realtor (Ex Teacher in Oz) they were doing okay. The other five people were a mix of an economist, a lawyer, an accountant, a banker, all of which had been in NYC between a month and two years. The lady who worked for the host company had been there for a number of years after a stint in the UK.

I was able to meet up with the contact and the lady who invited me to the event and she was lovely and very helpful.
The rest of the evening was mingling and meeting different people. What was refreshing though, was meeting people in similar situations who were also looking for employment and finding it a bit tough. It helped the self esteem a little. Sadly though, some of these people where highly qualified….Psychologist, Event’s & Marketing Manager, IT Guru, Publisher and they were all finding it a bit tough.
The finger food provided was great, but after a while the heat upstairs was so intense (and I had only had one drink! A beer) I started to feel very unwell. It may have been a combination of nerves, anxiety from all the rushing, but more so it was like standing in a small office with 50 people all fighting for one eency teency bit of air from a combustion fan. I had to excuse myself from one conversation, grab some water and sit down. Great, so I am going to be remembered not as Bianca from Adelaide trying to get back into hotels, but Bianca from Adelaide who either fainted or vomited from heat exhaustion! Great.
Fortunately I found that inner strength to talk myself out of being ill drank copious amounts of water and even splashed a bit on my neck discreetly and slowly felt a bit better. Back to hogging the air.
It proved to be a good spot to meet people and there was even an exchanging of numbers with a few people to meet up for a drink in the coming weeks!

As much as I had of wished I could stay beyond 830pm (the function had officially finished, but there were still a lot of people) I had to excuse myself to enable me to catch the 915pm bus to ensure a pick up at 10.20pm by the hotel.
I said my goodbyes and thanked the appropriate people and headed back on the subway to the PABT. Same problem with the card, this time a lovely older gentleman explains that in the heat the magnetic strips tend to go funny so just do it a bit faster. We get it to work, and meanwhile the train isn’t expected for 3 minutes. Hmm, it’s just before 9pm.

As we pull into 42nd Street I jump off and scurry towards the PABT. My scurry turns to a bit more of a jog as the clock in the subway says 9.07pm. Ooh this is going to be close. I join a man in a trot as we head up to gate 306 and we see the bus pulling away! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! We race outside as its break lights disappear into the night!
“Ohh gee…first time all week it has been early! 9.11pm!” says the man.
“Great, oh great” is all I can muster….an hour to now sit here until the next one! Although the thought crossed my mind to walk up to Times Square and Broadway and take some photo’s, I was just so over the evening! I spent more time traveling than at the actual function!
To top it off, I am now going to miss the shuttle…normally safety would be a factor, but given the mood, I thought just someone try and give me a hard time as I walk from the bus stop.

Fortunately I sat next to a nice (bit boring….too financey) young guy, Carl, but it made the journey a bit easier to swallow. He kindly offered to drive me to the hotel after hearing that the bus wouldn’t stop any closer to which I thanked him but declined. It was way out of his way!

After Carl got off, and I discovered I was the last passenger I asked Mr. Driver (who looked a lot like Mr. Miyagi but not as nice!) very nicely would he be so kind as to head to Walnut St rather than drop me off at the Circle.
“No Wal-nut, just cir-cul”
“But sir, I am the last passenger….so there is no chance you can go to Walnut near the Westminster Hotel” as I try and sound as pleading but nice as I can.
“Hmm you last perswon….lemme check” as he stops the bus and turns around….”hmmmm okay walnut but not Westminster”
“Thank you Sir, thank you very much”
As we head towards Walnut, and he performs his U-Turn RIGHT OUTSIDE THE WESTMINSTER!!
“Okay wady, here you go…you give me money…or tip”
“No tip, sir, other than thank you for not smoking, and thank you for ensuring I don’t get raped”! Slightly rude of me I know but given it was 11.15pm and I was buggered it was all I can do from throwing a hissy fit! Lol.

I staggered into the hotel, and there is Esther, a 7ft Amazonian woman with a smile as wide as she, “Ooh Good Evening Miss Baggio, welcome back and how are you this evening?”….
How was I? That was a very good question…how was I? “Glad to be home Esther, and glad to see a smiling face…please call me Bianca…remember, we discussed that”
“Sure thing Biunka…you have a tops evening now won’t you” as she flashes her pearly whites!
“Thanks Esther…I will, goodnight!”

I flop in the room, and poor myself my drink of choice while in the US…A&W Root Beer.
I turn the computer on to Skype home as I know they are eagerly awaiting news from my evening, get changed, take off make up and giggle to myself as I replay the night’s events through my head.

There is always a positive in a bad situation, and despite all the running around, panic, stress…all in all I survived and the night was ok. Who knows if any leads will come out of the evening, but alas, another feather in my cap!

Over to the desk, and as I plug my Ethernet cable in I see the message… UNABLE TO CONNECT TO THE INTERNET, A NETWORK CABLE IS UNPLUGGED…

Hmmm I smile…that figures!!

Until the next one,
Lots of love Bee xxx

A Flushing Date with Dave

For my 30th Birthday this year, my best friend gave me a ticket to see my absolute favourite band, Dave Matthews Band at Citi Field in the borough of Flushing in Queens. Citi Field is home of the New York Mets in the National League (here is the Wikipedia Explanation…I needed to get my head around it, not sure if you do too…

The New York Yankees – New York Mets rivalry is the latest incarnation of the Subway Series, the competition between New York City's Major League Baseball teams, the American League New York Yankees and the National League New York Mets. Until Interleague play started, the two teams had only met in exhibition games. Since the inception of interleague play the teams have met in every season since 1997 and faced off in the 2000 World Series, which the Yankees won in 5 games.

So, Friday was dedicated Dave Day, and so the trip to Manhattan was going to start in the early afternoon with a visit to a shop I had heard about, followed by a trip on the ‘Historic 7’ line into Main Street Flushing for a wonder, and then back a stop to Willets/Met’s station to Citi Field.

The ride into Manhattan was fairly quiet and low key considering the last couple of experiences! I arrived into Manhattan and was instantly struck with a KFC slap of heat! It wasn’t supposed to be too hot with the forecast of a pleasant 88.F (31.C)
Given I was going to be in town all day, I decided on three quarter jeans and a cotton t-shirt (slightly heavier to take me into the night). I forgot to factor in the humidity and between walking in and out of the subways and on the streets I could have participated in a wet t-shirt competition and possibly won! I was dripping that much!

I walked down Times Square just to see what was going on and have a wonder. There was an Asian Student group that seemed to take up the entire sidewalk, so I managed to duck into a shop until they passed. I did have a chuckle when I saw them grouped together under Bubba Gump Shrimp Company, and all point and take photos. Not sure if it was because they were wearing matching yellow, or because of Forest Gump! I imagine the translation would be quite comical!

As I was wondering around, I could see people waving and jumping at a bill board. Naturally since I am being a local, I thought I should have a sneak peak! I have no idea of the point of the bill board but it was cool, it was a ‘real-time’ bill board that showed all the people standing underneath it. Fortunately there was a black girl jumping like a loony next to me, so she was easy to spot on the bill board, so I could then zoom into me!

I wondered down to the M&M store and Hershey Store for a wee little wonder, and to pick up a few snacks for later! I came across a dwarf version of Elmo, Sponge Bob, Cookie Monster and a character that I have no idea of…looked like a Cone head! And people got so excited they would run over, take photos or have someone take a photo of them, only to have the characters demand $1… it was quite funny hearing Elmo swear!! I guess people didn’t know that they were canvassing for money!

I jumped on the subway to head to the shop, only to discover when walking around a little lost, I had written the directions correctly, but interpreted them very incorrectly! Plus I got myself confused with the magnitude of subways I could have caught. So instead of being at 51 W 14th Street (between 5th and 6th) I ended up at 51st Street between 5th and 6th Street! Thankfully getting lost in NYC can prove a good adventure as I landed on the steps of Radio Music Hall and Rockefeller Centre!
By this time, I was feeling the heat a bit and thought given the clear day I would head up to the Top of the Rock for a view from Rockefeller Centre.

“Excuse me, can you please tell me whether there is a wait for the Top of the Rock,” I enquire at the ticket booth
“Are you paying by credit card” says the very disinterested girl (another girl with talons! Clearly these sweat shops in the US don’t cut nails!)
“Ah, I will be, if you could tell me if there is a wait?”
“Oh sure, sorry, yes, no there is no wait as the elevator runs every 5 minutes.”
“Okay great, so I could get a ticket then please?”
“Sure, it will be $21 and the next viewing is at 3.40pm”
“Hmmm, its 3.05pm now, so does that mean I can’t get in until 3.40pm?”
“No?” I enquire, “Sorry, so the elevator runs every 5 minutes, but next stop I can’t get into 3.40pm, is that what you are saying?”
“Yes, so $21 thanks”
Oh boy! I am so confused… “That’s okay; I don’t really want to wait on the sidewalk for 35minutes so I’ll come back again”
“Okay, then see you at 4pm when the next viewing is!”

Boy, I was really confused! I’ll leave the top of the rock viewing until I am actually in Manhattan I think!

I managed to find a subway that connected me to a point (have no idea how and where) that didn’t need for me to exit the subway, but enter another platform where the famous 7 ran into Flushing. Was quite pleased with that fluke and would take it, as by now I was pretty hot and needed to sit down for a bit!

I had read that the #7 train took an iconic path along the boroughs from the Manhattan skyline to Queens. Sunnyside (Romanian, Turkish), Woodside (Irish), Jackson Heights (Indian, Filipino), Corona Heights (Italian, Peruvian, Colombian, Ecuadorian, Mexican), and then finally Flushing (Korean, Chinese) I tried to sit at a window so I could take some picks. The journey took about 25 minutes, and although it was pretty to see the skyline (although by now it was a bit hazy) I couldn’t get a decent picture, and I didn’t notice anything too outlandish other than seeing the tops of buildings and the suburbs but didn’t notice that I was traveling between the immigrant neighbourhoods' as outlined in the lonely planet guide. Perhaps because the rest of the subway is underground, the ‘iconic’ part is seeing the sun!

Stepping out of the subway at Flushing was like walking into Hong Kong or Bangkok! The smell of Kimchi prominent (as a little chuckle left my lips from having not smelt Kimchi since my AQIS days – and boy did I NOT miss you!) as walking down main street I was struck with boxes of mushrooms, herbs, soups, and the most random array of smells I have ever experienced! I was struck with excitement when I saw Duck Pancakes for $1.00. I let out an accidental little squeal of delight and bought one on the spot! (it naturally features in my NYC Munch & Bevies picture) http://picasaweb.google.com.au/BunkyBee/NYCMunchBevies#

I had read about southern Corona being a quaint Italian neighbourhood, but I failed to get a bus guide, and as they were unsigned, I had no idea how to get to my destination. That may be a later on, or if not this trip, perhaps in the future?

Given I had no real good sense of direction; I wandered around Main Street and a few streets and watched a game of Handball and Basketball and just took in the sights and sounds.

On the subway trip I had seen the Unisphere is a beautiful, giant steel globe that sits in Flushing Meadows-Corona Park in and thought I would walk in its general direction. After wondering around for a bit, I realized that it was perhaps a bit further than I first thought, and given I had seen it just passing the Willets/Met’s point I thought I’d jump back on the subway and head in that direction.

Thankfully I did, as Flushing Meadows – Corona Park is the other side of the stadium! From looking at the Unisphere (put in Queens for the 1964-1965 World's Fair for a symbol of world peace), watching a wedding, watching a game of soccer, watching some kids get told off by a Mounted Policeman and watching squirrels being terrorized by kids, before I knew it I had been there for a few hours! Had I known that the park was there, I would have bought some cheap Asian delights to sit and eat in the park. Instead I munched on my Muesli bar and drank another bottle of water and read my book for a while.
By this stage it was close to 6pm and although not hungry I thought I’d jump back on the train to Main Street and grab some dinner. Funnily enough, walking out of the station I saw an unkempt man on crutches begging for money. I had seen him the first time round, and he noticed me as he looked at me like “haven’t I seen you before?”

Up Main Street I snacked on another duck pancake and tried to head into one of the restaurants. It was so Korean/Chinese that I couldn’t work out how to buy the food, and there was nowhere to sit. Sadly this was going to have to be skipped as I needed something easy and quick before the concert. Next door was McDonald's, and considering I have been here a month, this was the first American Burger I had eaten I thought why not. At least they had seats.

So back to the subway, and back past my man on the crutches and this time he said out loud, “You walk past me enough times lady you could make me rich!”…hehehe, he had a point!

Back to Citi Field. I had noticed on my walk earlier that there was an additional train service and that was direct to Penn Station. This was much easier to catch than getting the subway to Times Square or Central station and then a shuttle to Penn so I joined a little line and grabbed a one way to Penn for after the concert! Boy was I glad that I did that, after the concert the line snaked around and had close to 30 people! Had I waited I would have missed the train, and goodness only knows that would have been disastrous!!

So into Citi Field, pass the merch stand (yes I got myself a DMB Citi Field T-Shirt! Woot woot) and heading around to left field there was a sense of excitement in the air that wasn’t just me!

My seats were left of stage and perfect! I could see the arena and the stage brilliantly and was undercover (in case it rained, although I did have my Iggies Poncho!)

Zac Brown Band started the concert. Not my cup of tea as they were very country, although I did like them when they sang Killing in the Name Of (Rage Against the Machine) Cover.

The concert itself was insanely brilliant. I sang, I grooved, and not even the annoying people two rows in front didn’t put me off. (okay, well the girls signature dance move of arms up lunging, arms mid length lunging, arms up lunging…ALL NIGHT… did make me cringe, but I was having too good a time to let her or anything annoy this monumental moment!) I read a review which had an excerpt which was spot on… Dave Matthews' strengths remain his band's mastery of briskly intricate rhythms and unusual melodic structures. The music they put on display last night wove elements of funk, jazz fusion, rock, Cajun music, country and pop into something that, for better or worse, sounds like no one else.

Having been a fan of DMB for 13 years, this was only the second time I had seen him. The first only a couple of years ago when he finally toured Australia and Adelaide which was brilliant, but nothing compared to seeing them in Citi Field.
Dave sang and danced with his usual quirkiness, Carter banged those drums like nothing I had ever seen, Stefan sexed up the bass and Boyd simply dazzled that electronic violin better than I could have expected. It was also the first time I had seen LeRoi’s replacement Jeff (LeRoi died a few years ago after complications of a quad bike accident) and seeing Tim Reynolds with his political Stop Wars t-shirt (in Star Wars fashion) made me laugh!
I snapped and recorded a number of pictures and movies. Sadly the movies are in a format I haven’t been able to convert and hope the Panasonic disc at home will help me there… I did find two good You Tube links, one of Don’t Drink the Water (the first song of Dave Matthews I had ever heard and fell in love with) followed by Dave’s little jig for the Corn Bread song.

Don’t Drink the Water = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8achXELDCO4
Cornbread Dance = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knqBG_P7CD0

They played for 2 hours and 50 minutes, and I caught the last part of the song downstairs as I was like a despondent 36er fan waiting at the edge for the game to finish…only I was not despondent and was still on such a high I could have peed my pants!

The journey home was almost as epic as this blog! While waiting for the LIRR (Long Island Rail Road) I was able to book my taxi from Short Hills Train Station to the Hotel. Thankfully, they were happy to pick up at 1.23am when the train was due in! The LIRR trip was like being part of a Fraternity House. There was singing, there was hand slapping, there were hook ups (not me, I got stuck sitting next to a geek who had to ‘wait one more goddamn hour until the next train because of this stoopid drive, ah man, aren’t you browned’…) not sure what browned is but don’t think I was!! It was a very funny ride to Penn Station.

At Penn there was one moment of panic when my scheduled LAST train to Short Hills at 12.34 didn’t display which gate it was leaving from. At 12.31am I certainly think my heart skipped a beat or two, but then it was the only train at that time, and when it finally showed the track and not the name Short Hills but a series of other I trusted it was the right one. That train ride wasn’t as unique as the earlier one, but I did enjoy the conversations between 4 girls who had been to ‘Hunk-a-rama’ to celebrate a 20th birthday explain to a group of boys exactly what it is they saw and did…only for the boys to react well as boys do!

Jumping out of the train and seeing the blinking lights of my van at 1.27am were somewhat sad….it meant that my date with Dave was coming to an end. But oh what a date it was and what a memory I have! (With a big special shout out and love and thanks to my Wingman! Xx)

(as photographed in the NY Post)

Until the next one,
Lots of love Bee xxxo