Tuesday, June 15, 2010

OzStralia…home of the Jews...and Roo's

As I start to pack up for the homeward journey, what better to spoil myself and congratulate myself on a Job Well done by taking on such an experience; than a shopping trip to Tiffany’s! You can’t go to New York without visiting the 5th Avenue Tiffany store. Located near Central Park, and in company with Bvlgari, Louis Vuitton, Van Cleef & Arpels to name a few! Tiffany is six floors of bling, homewears and a bridal registry…every purchase all capped off with the little blue box, or when buying dinner plates...a big blue box!

If it wasn’t for meeting a friend I no doubt would have been lost in the six floors of jewellery, and naturally some more sparkly and more affordable than others! I did come away with two small purchases to remind me of my NYC adventure, made more special being able to make the purchase at the flagship store!

Walking down Times Square after meeting a friend for coffee, I had one of two laugh out loud moments for the day. I noticed a quite attractive young man trying to sell condoms on the street corner. It was the first time I had heard a seller as opposed to having seen them around Times Square during the month. These particular ones were branded as Obama Condoms. The guy calls out “Buy Obama condoms, they are cheaper than a baby and easier to push than a stroller”…without skipping a beat, a mother pushing a stroller turns to the young guy and says “You're two years too late!”

Despite New York being regarded as one of the most expensive cities, I am more and more amazed at the bargains that can be picked up either via websites, promotions, and by a bit of research. I can honestly say, other than the accommodation/living of the city, most things are affordable AND at times cheap! Scouring the Yankees website, I found the offer of $5 tickets for selected games. Naturally after booking on line, there are a few taxes and associated fees, but I managed to get an advertised ticket of $75.00 for $14.40 and was pretty excited to find when I got to the stadium how awesome the seat actually was!

Although the Yankees suffered a loss at the hands of the Toronto Blue Jays, the game was a high scoring affair with a number of home runs! Trust American’s to show the true sense of peer pressure! Every time a Blue Jay hit a home run (there were a lot!) the person who caught the ball would be berated and screamed at by 46,480 fans to ‘throw it back…throw it back..’ many did much to the delight and cheers of the crowd…some didn’t…much to the chagrin and boo’s of the crowd!

Given that A-Rod was on 559 home runs, every time he went to bat, you could see thousands of camera flashes hoping to secure his record. I sat in front of a group of young males with 600th written in blue paint on their chests who very much kept us in check every time he went into bat.

Sadly, this was not the game to be so instead I took a photo of A-Rod’s big butt!!

Other than amazing home runs, the game had a wayward bat that flew into the professional photographer section that fortunately didn’t hurt anyone but smashed a camera, and some very fine attractive players! At the beginning of the game, I decided to pick my favourite player BEFORE seeing him in action. I chose Mark Teixeira #25 first basemen, and based on butt and face…..the bonus was he was the player who managed to hit a two run homer for the Yankees! (The only Yankee score for the game in fact in the 8-2 loss!)

During the game “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” came blaring and all fans were encouraged to sing along which I expected, but I was not ready for a seventh inning pause, whereby all were encouraged to sing God Bless America….while the players stood with hats on hearts everyone sang.

I asked the guy next to me what that was all about, and he said that after September 11, they sung it every seventh inning in recognition of lives lost, those in the war and to remember the importance of God’s blessing and peace for all. He asked if I was patriotic and I said, well not so much for the US as I am Australian. He asked which state that was as he hadn’t heard of it before. I politely told him it was a country, “oh yeah, in Europe huh and home of the Jews during Hitler’s reign!” …I couldn’t help it…my response… “No not Jews, just Roo’s!” he looked perplexed as I smiled!! For the rest of the game when there was eye contact I drank to avoid having to speak again!!

One of the many highlights of the match was when (and I have no idea of the correct term) but when the sand scrapers came out to scrape the diamond and scraped in time with YMCA and also did the actions at the appropriate time! All in all, it was an extremely entertaining evening with great music and fantastic crowd interaction. Despite the loss, the game was excellent and well worth the feeling of drowning in a sea of sweat and bodies idling back towards the subway! After 15 minutes of swaying back in forth in a kind of zombie subway dance, I managed to somehow sidestep some people and before I knew it had jumped on a subway. The carriage itself thankfully had the AC working, and wasn’t too jam packed if it were I may not have born witness to the following conversation by a stereotypical cheer girl look-a-like in a Yankees very tight t-shirt and her friend…
My second laugh out loud moment for the day and definitely need to be shared!!

Cheer Girl: “I think my boobs are getting bigger”

(Every guy…Well actually everyone within ear shot turns around and looks at them…)

The Friend: “Ummm” stuttering nervously... “You said that a bit loud...”

Cheer Girl: “No, seriously, look! (As she cups her boobs together) “They're bigger! They're like… under my chin now….like every time I look down I get surprised, because they're just so…” pauses for a few seconds… “There!”

The Friend: looking very embarrassed “Please shut up until we're off this train”

Cheer Girl, looking up: “Huh, what? I missed that, I was distracted by my boobs”

I laughed so loud that a bit of wee almost came out!
What a day, what memorable quotes and what a barrel of laughs!

Until the next one,
Lots of love Bee xxx

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